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Tackling Post-Graduation Responsibilities One Task at a Time

Job Search Tips

Graduation of any sort is a huge milestone in your life. It marks the completion of a program or having your hard work pay off with a degree and that should be celebrated. From here, though a lot of realities may be setting in and it can be tricky to navigate a lot of these potentially new responsibilities, but Houston Back on Track is here to help you navigate the process of starting a career.

How it Works

Our program starts with taking a skills assessment and meeting with a career coach. We have several educational partners and resources we can help partner with you on preparing for your job search through interview prep, certifications and career coaching. We even have employer partners that can help us in placement if you are interested in one of our set career paths.

• Transportation Path

• Energy Path

• Medical Path

• Customer Service Path

The decision of which path you want to take is one of the most important ones and our coaches can help you with that.

Crafting Your Resume and Applying for Jobs

Here are a few of our best resume strategies to building an up-to-date resume.

• Clean up your resume layout

• Use powerful action words

• Highlight your skills and certifications

• Get feedback and proofread

While You Get Interview Practice, Continue to Develop Skills

Interviewing skills can always improve with practice, so don’t be afraid to get more experience with this! In the meantime, while you talk with potential employers, do what you can to continue working on skill development.

• Essential or soft skills

• Hard Skills

• Occupation or industry-specific skills

As of recently, Houston Back on Track now partners with Grow With Google and there are several certification scholarship opportunities for Houston residents. Check out some of those courses and here:

If you’re ready to start your journey, visit the Back on Track website and fill out the form here.